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22 posts
You Never Actually Own a…
I assume that you are all familiar with this slogan of a famous Swiss watchmaker. It evokes an…
Is The Young Gentleman a Vanishing Breed?
“Manners maketh man.” That is how Colin Firth briefly explains it in Kingsman, before schooling a group of…
Mind Over Miles: What Running Can Teach About Success
I personally think running until your lungs feel like they are on fire, your legs no longer feel…
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Say “I Love You”
Do you remember the first crush you ever had? Do you remember that one you pined for, but…
Don’t Be Afraid To Open Up
Men and women are largely taught different lessons as we grow up. For a man, we are raised…
Marriage: How Did I Get Here?
I speed my MX-5 through the grounds of the Victorian era estate house, hidden in the Irish countryside.…
Don’t Chase Someone Else’s Idea of Success
We have all heard the saying “work to live - don't live to work”, but how many of us apply that philosophy to our lives?
To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield
We can’t change our circumstances or our fates, but we certainly have the power to change how we view and respond to them.
I Wish I Had Loved Myself More, Not Tried To Be Loved by Others cannot take care of others’ needs if you are tapped out. You cannot love others unless you love yourself.
Live the Life You Want, Not the One Others Impose
Avoid the regret of living your life for other people. Your life doesn't need to make sense to anyone but you.