
How to Build Stronger Relationships

This story originally appeared on the Gents Cafe Newsletter. You can subscribe here.

As we enter a new year, most people have been spending time planning, and goal setting. I think it’s also a good time to reflect on the quality of our relationships we presently have and make the necessary changes to improve upon them.

Here are some tips for developing stronger relationships in the new year:

Communicate openly and honestly.
One of the most important things you can do to build stronger relationships is to be open and honest. Be willing to share your thoughts, feelings, values, and needs with others, and also be open-minded to hearing different perspectives. When you communicate openly and honestly, people view you as being trustworthy and as someone that shows understanding in a relationship.

Have an attitude of gratitude.
When was the last time you told someone you appreciate them or that you are grateful for them? It may seem like a simple gesture but it can go a long way in building stronger relationships. It’s important to express your gratitude in general and not just when you require something.

Spend quality time.
No, I don’t mean Netflix and chill. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, but make the time to spend quality time with others to build stronger relationships. This could be as simple as having a weekly meet-up for coffee, hosting a dinner, or making a conscious effort to do something where you can learn more about the other person.

Practice active listening.
I’ve found that many people aren’t willing to commit to listening, willing to spare their time, to actively sit and listen to someone. When you’re in a conversation with someone, it’s important to truly listen to what they’re saying and show that you’re interested. It often means putting aside your thoughts and biases and focusing on what the other person is saying to understand before you respond if a response is necessary. Active listening helps us build understanding and trust in a relationship.

Resolve conflicts effectively.
Conflicts arise in any relationship, but it’s important to learn how to resolve them effectively. Purposefully seek to find a way to address any underlying issues and work towards a mutual resolution. Do your best to avoid sweeping conflicts under the proverbial rug as it can lead to bigger problems in the future.

By being proactive about improving your relationships, and surrounding yourself with the right people, you can build stronger, more fulfilling connections in the new year.

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