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12 posts
Making Everyday a Special Occasion
In this economy, personal investments come at some extra cost: the care we diligently owe to worthy items, a cashmere jumper, a silvered candelabra, a bespoke shirt, some made-to-order shoes, or whatever else it might be. “Let’s save it for a special occasion”, so we say. The expression is a familiar one, one we use a lot of the time. And, to be honest, I think it’s wrong.
9 (Highly Subjective) Skills That Every Man Should Master
There is something inherently valuable about performing tasks for others with excellence, embracing new learning opportunities, and demonstrating your care for those around you through both actions and words. This brief compilation encapsulates elements that I personally consider immensely enriching in my life.
The Art of The Modern Gentleman Amidst Chaos
Living in a world that feels like it's lost its marbles can be tough. Amid all the noise and chaos, finding your footing as a good man, a modern gentleman, can feel like trying to build a sandcastle as the tide comes in. But hey, who said it would be easy?
Why Some Conversations Never Click: Understanding the Three Zones of Communication
I often wondered why it was that some people just never ‘click’, as people say; when the conversation reaches one of its inevitable and awkward moments of ineptitude and silence, we relegate potential relationships to the bin because we feel that our styles of communication just differ. Game over.
How Your Daily Essentials Can Define Your Day
and how they contributed to what I did or did not do. I never considered what I kept in my desk drawer at the office. That was until Frank intervened. Who is Frank? Frank Martin, yes that’s right, Jason Statham’s character in the movie The Transporter. It was after one of the epic fight scenes, Frank goes to the trunk of his car and takes out a crisp white shirt to replace what he had on and I paused wondering... what have I been missing?
A Nostalgic Look Back at the GQ I Grew Up With
After nearly a decade break, I recently resubscribed to GQ, hoping its fate would follow that of many in the fashion industry where seasons of constant misses lead to greatness on the other side. Unfortunately, the publication had only receded further from grace, a shell of its previous glory from the GQ I grew up with in the early 00s, the GQ that “raised” me into the three-piece-loving, bon vivant that I aspire to be today.
From Mental Noise to Personal Growth: The Power of Journaling
Ink on paper will eventually fade away like an echo in the distance. However, when you put your pen to paper you create a moment in time where you get to experience yourself.
On Style and Gentlemanliness
Many of the qualities I associate with gentlemanliness are truly timeless. What’s more, I believe that they are simple: A gentleman is an artist, purely. And like any genuine artist, he occupies a world where curiosity, kindness, tenderness, ecstasy are the norm. These qualities alone can’t help but lead to the development of a character befitting a gentleman.
Considered Conduct: What Makes a ‘Gentleman’ Anyway?
Broad shoulders; narrow hips; cool detachment, and a steely glare: in the war-torn 1930s, Marlene Dietrich expressed that most ‘masculine’ ideal: “I am at heart a gentleman.” Close to a century later, she makes more sense than ever. Plus ça change…
Improving Your Personal Image
American Author Og Mandino once said “I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.” Most people think that improving your personal image is only about changing your attire but you can put a suit on a pig and it’s still going to roll in the mud. Improving your image starts with yourself.