The Timeless Charm of Musso and Frank Grill: Hollywood’s Oldest Restaurant
When you read about restaurants and bars the latest and greatest is usually what makes the news. But as someone who tends to steer clear of food and drink trends (QR code menus, $25 mocktails, butter boards, etc.) I’ll take tried and true over shiny and new any day of the week. And for my money there is no place more tried nor true than The Musso and Frank Grill, the oldest restaurant in Hollywood.
Learning To Ride
For years I’ve had this recurring dream. I’m on a Triumph Bonneville cruising down a winding country road. It’s early fall and there’s a slight chill in the morning air. I’m wearing a waxed cotton motorcycle jacket over a tweed sport coat, tweed pants, leather boots, and a custom made matte black helmet. As the road curves to the left, I lean the bike over, reach down, and drag a gloved hand across the asphalt, a tactile reminder that I am in the south of England, riding towards a grand destination - the seat of the Dukes of Richmond and the Goodwood Revival.
The gratification of a handwritten letter
Once upon a time, before the global network of connectivity ensnared us, people used to write letters. The…