
Brett Braley-Palko

13 posts
Brett F. Braley-Palko (Baron St. Maur) is a freelance writer and marketing consultant based on his farm in rural Pennsylvania with his husband and a household zoo of dogs and cats. Brett is interested in gardening, baking, languages, chicken rearing, literature (particularly the Interwar period in Britain), aristocracy, and the noblesse oblige. When not tottering around, Brett has worked and written for international publications and has consulted or produced content for a variety of companies. You can find his work at He is working on his first novel.

1980’s New York – Why It Was Such a Unique and Inspiring Period

There is a specific breed of masculinity that is a wholly American concept. You can see this type of man on Instagram mood boards and in classic Hollywood movies alike. From movies like Wall Street to clothing brands like Le Alfré, the Gordon Gekkos of the world still seem to have an iron grip on our collective psyche on how men of a certain means should dress, act, and party.

Are You Embracing Linen?

I have to admit that I am woefully late to the linen game. Having once thought that the wrinkles of the fabric were somehow a sign of dishevelment, I now see how wrong I was. Linen, for me, has been the best discovery of mine, sartorially speaking, this year. And, dear Reader, I am here to convince you of the same.

Classic Italian Style Meets Quintessential British Fashion

From Instagram feeds to bar menus, the Negroni has become the drink of choice for many discerning gentlemen. And it’s no wonder why. Created by an Italian Count nearly a century ago, it’s become synonymous with sophistication. When one drinks a Negroni, there are hints of juniper, lemon, and sprezzatura with every sip.

The Best Non-fiction Works are Letters

How does one know a place fully? Or, for that matter, a time period? I have found that movies can only do so much to tell the truth, often being made all the more palatable for audiences. The same goes for textbooks, which tend to dumb down reality to cram as much information into the smallest amount of real estate as possible. Then there are nonfiction works, which may read more towards the author’s bias than the veritable truth. So - what’s left?

Are Khakis Cool Again?

For many Men of a Certain Age, khakis have never really gone out of style. But for me, at 30-years-old, it’s been a bit of a more contentious relationship. My formative years were growing up in the mid-aughts, where skinny jeans reigned supreme. A decade on and I’m happy to report the pendulum has now swung to the classic khaki.

A Hobby for Hobby’s Sake

A strange thing happens when you begin to get paid for your talent, your relationship changes with it. Writing was once a hobby of mine, a craft I had perfected over years. Now that I’m paid to write, I treat it like another job. What people don’t tell you is that much of writing is emailing, invoicing, and thinking of what to write.

An Ode to the iPod

Recently I was opening what I assumed was a box of Christmas decorations, but was really a memory box of sorts from my high school and university years. Here, a pendant from school; there, a ticket to an amusement park. I felt like an archeologist, digging up remnants of the Lost Civilization of the Aughts. And below the candy wrappers and movie ticket stubs laid the Rosetta Stone of this excavation: my iPod.

It’s Almost the New Year. Are You Ready to Improve Yourself?

While I would like to think that I am not totally susceptible to the sway of the New Year, I know that this is false. For one, I recently re-upped my gym membership. For another, I have scheduled appointments with a dermatologist, dentist, and nutritionist for the upcoming weeks. No, this is not because I favor Quasimodo in looks, but rather so that I can start 2022 on good footing.

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